Judy Rankin Page
Pack your bags and go compete!
A Judy T Rankin Foundation

Judy Rankin, a Hall of Fame player on the LPGA Tour, was the first woman to win $100,000 in a season in 1976.
In 2022, Judy retired from a forty-year career as a television analyst with ABC Sports, ESPN, and The Golf Channel working on the PGA Tour and LPGA Tour.
Judy is a two-time victorious Solheim Captain - '96 &'98.
She currently serves as a member of Jack Nicklaus' "Captains Club" at the Memorial Tournament in Dublin, OH.
Several times a year, Judy speaks at various clubs and organizations.
Get Involved
Why The Suitcase Fund?
As an eight-year-old, the members of Triple A, a nine-hole golf course in St. Louis, gave me a new suitcase with $400.00 in it to travel with my Dad to my first National Pee Wee Tournament in Orlando, Fl. So, I traveled my game for the first time, and it was the beginning of golf forever in my life.


A Journey for Juniors
The JTR Suitcase Fund is pleased to provide junior golfers in West Texas with entry and travel assistance to state and national competitions. The focus is girls and boys 10-18 years of age. Our goal is to assist golfers of varying ability to make golf a game for life.
Going To College
Several years ago, we gave a $2500 grant to the women's golf team at Texas Tech University.
More recently, a $5000 grant went to Mikayla Childers for college expenses at Southwestern University in Georgetown.
Friends of our fund, Al and Krysta Escamilla, hosted a going to college evening for parents and students, some in college, some going in the Fall of 2021, and some going in the next couple of years. It was highly informative and very well received. Part of the evening included several people who played golf in college sharing their experiences. One of those was Reilley Rankin who was a national champion at the University of Georgia and played successfully on the LPGA tour. And also, our own Paula Bettis who played golf in her college years at the University of Oklahoma.
We were happy to give nine $500 grants to young women and men either in college or enrolling soon.
It was a rewarding night!
In 2022, after a tragic accident that involved their golf teams, the JTR Fund donated $5000.00 to the University of the Southwest at Hobbs, New Mexico to try to rebuild their program.

Midland, Texas
My home is Midland, Texas and our mission covers the greater West Texas area. The JTR Fund has donated to Midland's first Tee Program and LPGA, USGA Girl's Golf.
They accept donations, get involved if you can!
Volunteers of America Pro-Am
June 29-30, 2021
Written By:Steve Eubanks
Ask all LPGA Tour players about their junior golf experiences and to a person, they will open with the financial sacrifices made by their parents. That’s because junior golf is expensive. Not four-people-at-a-steakhouse kind of expensive, but a mortgage-payment-every-week kind of expensive. Even going cheap, between travel, hotels, food, entry fees and equipment, a summer of competitive junior golf in America costs more than the average Ukrainian family earns in a year. Ask the parent of any junior golfer about the college-scholarship conversations and you’ll likely get a chuckle. That’s because if all the money spent on junior golf had been put into a 529 college savings plan, they could have sent their kids to Harvard.
But this is far from a new phenomenon. In fact, it’s as old as junior golf itself.
Nobody knows that better than LPGA Hall of Famer Judy Rankin. More than 60 years ago, she experienced the squeeze golf can place on a family. And she will forever remember the help she received from others.
“I had this experience as a little girl where my dad entered me in the National Peewee in Orlando,” Rankin told me. “My mother was very ill and we didn’t have a whole lot of money. I played golf at this little 9-hole course (in St. Louis) and the members there gave me a brand-new suitcase with $400 in it. We used that and drove to the National Peewee and actually, I won it. But I will always remember that suitcase with the $400."
Rankin used the memory as the catalyst to form the JTR Suitcase Fund, a charitable organization with the mission of helping middle and high school junior golfers in West Texas with travel funds for summer golf.
“Where I live (in Midland, Texas), I don’t want to call it remote, but it’s smaller little cities and communities,” Rankin said. “And their exposure to professional golf is pretty small. The idea came to be the JTR (Rankin’s initials) Suitcase Fund because we’re trying to take kids who really love golf and/or were very good and cover some of their playing expenses in the summers.
“You don’t have to be very good to get some help from our fund. We are about loving the game, caring about it, having a passion or addiction to play that you might pass along to your family or friends,” Rankin said. “But one of the pluses is that there are some very good players (in our area) and they have been exposed to us. But there are also just some good players who, I think, will play golf for the rest of their lives.”
Also, through a partnership with the Volunteers of America Classic, the JTR Suitcase Fund brings junior golfers to the VOA Classic to experience the championship and compete in the pro-am. On Wednesday, Angela Aguirre, Lainey Cristan, Jules Crow, Ryann Honea and Sara Reid all played in the pro-am and then went to dinner with Texas native and LPGA Hall of Famer Kathy Whitworth.
“There are not a lot of opportunities for us to interact with girls that age unless their families or friends pay for them to play in the pro-ams,” said Esther Lee, who got to play with two of juniors because of Rankin. “I thought it was pretty cool.
“But it felt kind of scary, too, because these girls are not that much younger than I am. It was only four years or so ago that I was in their position, looking up to LPGA Tour players and wanting to be in their position. How we act toward them and how we represent ourselves does influence them. It feels like a huge responsibility. But it’s good because there is advice that I wish I had been told when I was their age by someone playing at this level. When I came here (onto the LPGA Tour), I was so new and so scared. It’s good that they had their chance to ask their questions.”
This is the fifth year the Volunteers of America Classic has partnered with the JTR Suitcase Fund. So far, 25 juniors have had the opportunity to ask players like Lee questions about the Tour, their life and what it means to be a LPGA Tour player.
“It’s not easy to find a lot of young girls where someone will tell you that they need some financial help to go play in the summer,” Rankin said. “But we’ve given a fair amount of money. And we have a fairly simple vetting process. We also now have a process where, if you’ve been accepted and are still playing (golf), we give you money for the rest of your high school years. If we gave it to you as a freshman, then you’ll get help for the three more years coming up.
“All these kids have been pretty good citizens,” Rankin said. “Our mission is to help kids travel their game. Anybody who has been successful in the game will tell you that you have to learn to get out of your own little bubble or your own little part of the state and travel your game. But junior golf is incredibly expensive. Then when you consider the families that have three or four kids, you just get tapped out.
“I’m thrilled that we are able to help these kids. And I hope we continue to find those kids who think this is the coolest thing.”
Sara Reed, Jules Crow, Ryann Honea, Angela Aguirre, and Lainey Cristan
representing Midland, Odessa, Lubbock, and San Angelo Texas
Through the JTR Suitcase Fund, Judy Rankin pays it forward to West Texas juniors at Volunteers of America Classic
July 3, 2021 8:00 am ET
Look closely around the ropes of the Volunteers of America Classic, and you might spot five young women soaking up a big opportunity. Thanks to an annual initiative spearheaded by past pro and current Golf Channel analyst Judy Rankin, five junior golfers annually get to experience this Texas LPGA stop a little bit differently.
Through her JTR Suitcase Fund, Rankin, who is calling the action for Golf Channel this week, makes it possible for a handful of junior girls to play in the Volunteers of America pro-am, meet LPGA players and watch the championship at Old American Club in The Colony, Texas, up close.
The five junior golfers who attended this year’s event are Angela Aguirre, Lainey Cristan, Jules Crow, Ryann Honea and Sara Reid.
The mission of the Suitcase Fund is to help junior golfers in the West Texas area with travel funds and experiences for summer golf events and tournaments for middle school and high schoolers, who normally wouldn’t necessarily have the means to do so. The name pays homage to a similar experience that opened doors for Rankin growing up in the St. Louis area.
When she was 8 years old, the members at her nine-hole home course filled a suitcase with $400 and presented it to Rankin as a means to travel to the National Pee Wee tournament in Orlando, in which her father had entered her. Rankin went on to win that event four years in a row. Now, the people of Midland, Texas, where Rankin has long made her home, help Rankin pay it forward. The JTR Suitcase Fund is in its eighth year of existence and has partnered with the Volunteers of America Classic for five years.

"Many thanks to VOA and CEO, Mike King, for eight years of our junior program that allowed players from the Greater West Texas area to go to Dallas and play in the Pro-Am with some of the best players in the world!" - Judy Rankin
Friends you might recognize who have given us great support:
Meg Mallon
Ian Baker-Finch
Steve Pate
David Feherty
Dottie Pepper
Juli Inkster
Gabby Lemioux
Tom Abbott
Jim Gallager
Grant Boone
Thank You!

July 7, 2015
The JTR Suitcase Fund announced the award of its first gift in support of junior golfers in the West Texas area on July 7th.
The award was given to a young high school golfer from Lubbock, Texas.
"I am so pleased to pass along the good fortune I had as a junior golfer. It doesn't always take a lot to open doors for young golfers and we never know where it may take them. To help young golfers continue to grow and perhaps become better people in life through golf is what it's about." said Judy.
We are very pleased to announce that Destiny Arenas has accepted a partial scholarship to play golf at Texas Tech University for the 2018-2019 school year.
Those of us who know and support her could not be happier!

Judy donates annually to the fund and covers all overhead costs involved. 100% of all donations are used for the junior effort.
The JTR Suitcase Fund is a non-profit 501"c"3 organization.
Please send check or money order to:
PO Box 51494
Midland, TX 79710
or use the button below to donate via PayPal or PayPal's credit/debit option.
We thank you so much for your support!


Please Help......
Jane Park, LPGA Professional, and husband, Pete Godfrey with baby Grace at the Go-Fund Me page, "Saving Grace"
I personally want to thank Jack and Barabara Nicklaus for getting involved through their foundation immediately when asked.
Our Board
Judy Rankin
Paula Bettis
Walter Rankin Jr.
George Roat
Randye Biggs
Reilley Rankin*
*Reilley joined in 2018. She played college golf at the highest level at the University of Georgia, becoming an NCAA Champion. Also, she competed successfully for 12 years on the LPGA Tour.